
Tarka's flexibility allows you to configure automatic billing of a number of RADIUS based offerings including data, VoIP and content services on a range of hardware platforms. The easy to use administration interface allows you to create and manage your plan types and billing intervals, and to customise billing templates to suit your business. Configurable hierarchical permission structures give you maximum control over administrator access levels.


Tarka has been architected to ensure that your data is safe and secure. Industry standard security protocols are used to encrypt communications between web clients and servers so that all entered data is protected. Authentication is required so you can be certain that there will be no unauthorised access to your information. Geographically separate replication of your data means that your information is safe and that you can get up and running again quickly in the event of a disaster.


Guided configuration makes it easy to get your business set up with Tarka. Ongoing management is a breeze with the easy to use administration interface and automated email billing. Your users can access their accounts via the intuitive customer self service interface which provides usage statistics, payment facilities and account management functions, all of which reduces the workload for your administration staff. Tarka's specially designed interface allows administration and customer access from any Internet connected device.


Tarka Cloud

If you are starting an ISP or wondering where your next growth is coming from, Tarka can help.

Tarka Cloud's zero set up cost and per user billing makes it a cost effective billing solution for businesses large or small.

The integrated provisioning and billing system matches every customer to their actual usage, ensuring maximum revenue from the moment you start using our service.

Tarka Cloud integrates seamlessly with many popular online payment gateways, making it easy for your customers to pay you quickly.


Compatible Hardware

plus more...


Meet Tarka

Our Story

Tarka has been billing since '99; initially developed for a local ISP with a small subscriber base and a basic billing plan, it has matured into a product that supports flexible billing for large scale ISPs. After a significant number of successful on-premises installations in the Asia-Pacific region the Tarka product offering was expanded to include Tarka Cloud to service those customers looking for a hosted solution.

Our Vision

We believe that every business, big or small, should have access to great billing solutions. Our Tarka suite of products offers this via an onsite solution, with dedicated hardware, and the cloud offering, which provides accessibility to organisations that don’t have the means or the desire to host their own solution internally. We strive for efficiency, simplicity, and a robust feature set to ensure that Tarka is an asset to your business.

Our Product

Whether you want to support tens of users or thousands of users there is a proven and scalable Tarka product to suit you. Tarka Onsite is installed at your site, on specially selected hardware and set up by our experienced engineers. Tarka Cloud is hosted at our secure data centres and set up is simple and performed by you at your convenience. Tarka's infrastructure has been designed with built in redundancy and reliability in mind so you can be confident of a highly available system.

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